*59 years of life
*35 years of ministry including 25 years of camp directing
*1 amazing wife
*2 amazing kids ;)
*many lives influenced by yours
Just a few of my childhood memories:
*When I would show you something in a catalog that I wanted for Christmas - you'd tear out the page and hand it to me.
*You always threatened to slap a knot on my head (...but you never did, of course. ha ha!)
*Always singing - walking around a store, waiting in line at Furr's, walking the streets of London...
*You dressing up as Santa, not only for me and Nathan, but for school kids as well. Remember those neighborhood boys who broke out the window of your truck? You recognized one of them at their school when he came to tell Santa what he wanted for Christmas. You asked him if he had been a good boy and he said yes. You then asked him if he had broken out anyone's truck window and I'm sure that kid still believes in Santa Claus.
*Squirting the neighbor's dog with the water hose over the fence when he would bark at you.
*One time when I rattled off the names of the members of New Kids on the Block (yes, a loooooong time ago!), you asked me if I could name the twelve apostles.
*Anything and everything Skyridge
*You being the best dad anyone could hope to have.
A song for you:
Always Be Your Baby by Natalie Grant
You were my first love
Always there for me
You taught me how me to walk and how to dream
God gave me your eyes
But it was you who showed me how to see
Now I can stand on my own
But I know you'll never let go
I'll always be your baby
No matter how the years fly by
The way you loved me
Made me who I am in this world
I'm a woman now
Not a little girl
Wherever this life takes me
I'll always be your baby
You are my hero
And that will never change
You still can dry my tears with just your smile
The one I've leaned on
From my first steps
To walking down the aisle
Now there's another man in my life
But I know by the look in your eyes
Your faith, your love and all that you believe
Have come to be the strongest part of me
And I will always be your baby
No matter how the years fly by
The way you loved me
Made me who I am in this world
I'm a woman now
Not a little girl
Wherever this life takes me
I'll always be your baby
Thanks for being you, and for always striving to be like Jesus. You've touched many lives and will continue to do so. We love you!

Well, "little" brother. Time flies doesn't it? Congratulations on another year of survival and the anniversary of your many years of ministry. I'm proud of you. Have a good day and hopefully many more years of life and service. Ronnie
ReplyDeleteWhen I walk in the early mornings, I use that time to pray and I remembered you. I prayed that your back was better. I thanked God for giving me life and I thanked Him for you. I thought it was appropriate at the Leadership Higher Ground that when Rex asked for someone in the room whom we considered wise, your name was the first one mentioned. Mom's head would have swelled to twice its normal size. And to be really really honest, you were the first one I thought about when the question was asked. We all need friends. As I have said before to you and many others, you are my third best friend. My God is first, then my sweet Gloria and then you come in third. Thanks for always sharing your dreams and struggles and allowing me to do the same.
ReplyDeleteI am certain that some of the stories about how mean I was to you when you and I were kids are a figment of your imagination. You see, I remember them differently.
Do you remember breaking the legs off my china bull that I bought in Mexico? I wouldn't even have it in my house now but then I thought it was cool... that is until you broke its legs off. And I am sure you don't remember hitting me in the head with a hammer. I know I was totally innocent of anything in that incident. Here's is one you might remember. We were with you at Palo Duro Canyon and sitting on a picnic table at night. I think it was probably a half-moon. I asked Melinda where the other part of the moon was and she asked you over and over, "Dad, where's the other part of it, Dad, where's the other part of it, Dad, where's ......
I think you thanked me for being so helpful.
Happy birthday. It's brothers like you that make me thankful for our faith in Christ knowing someday we will live forever with our God and maybe then you will remember that I was the best big brother a kid could ever have. I never teased you or fought with you. May God grant you many many more years in service to Him and others.
Happy Birthday, Larry! We hope you have a wonderful day!
Bill, Peggy, Leslie, Clay, Martin, Jennifer, and William
ReplyDeleteSo it's been 35 years of ministry. Time flies when your having fun. I believe the best commentary on our ministry together was made once by Larry Sullivan. He was living in Carlsbad for 6 months prior to leaving for the mission field. One day he said, "You guys sure laugh a lot". That's what ministry is. It can have its ups and downs, but laughter keeps us sane.
Our wives went to the workforce just about the same time in order for us to remain in ministry. Jeannette and Becky are the real reasons we have been able to do what we have. They have sacrificed so that we could do our jobs.
I count it a blessing to have you as a good friend.
Michael Joiner
Larry: Happy, happy birthday...to one of my favorite Throneberry brothers-in-law. You are always in my prayers (you and Jeannette) and I have felt more concern for you through the years than I have ever expended on any of my own brothers or sisters...because I always thought you were so tremendously terrific that everybody should treat you that way (and rats, they have not...what a bummer).
ReplyDeleteAlways enjoy being with you...try to figure the angles so we can be with you more often...doesn't always happen...maybe God is protecting you from one of those proverbial things "familiarity breeds contempt" or something.
Love you, little brother-in-law, may God bless you over and over.
Gloria T-berry
ReplyDeleteIf I said there were too many good times to remember... that would be a huge understatement.
I still remember (so fondly) the first year I got to teach at Skyridge. I was honestly surprised you let a YOUNG guy teach - but I was so grateful. There have been so many nights sitting around the logs - telling stories - hearing your jokes - waiting on the fire to die down - "I asked my paw if he mind I go to my girlfriend Sally's house. Sally, she lived on straight street..."
What great memories of working together. God has blessed my life so richly by you friend. Have a great birthday - dad!
Larry, you have been a part of my life for most of my life. I have so many memories of you, I'll try to hit the highlights . . .
ReplyDelete1. I remember when you and your family moved to Carlsbad and you became our youth minister at Sunset. You welcomed me as part of your family as the years went by and Melinda and I became best friends.
2. You never let me pay for a meal when I was with you, always saying, "When I'm an old man you can buy me a cheeseburger."
3. You sang, "Food! Glorious food!" as we crossed the parking lot to go into La Fonda. (I'm pretty sure you did that at other restaurants, but that one sticks out.)
4. You picked on me mercilessly, like that time at camp I was worried about a spot on my arm and I asked you about it and you said, "It looks like a brown recluse bite" horrifying me. Fortunately, it was only the chicken pox.
5. You endured my endless presence in your life, be it sleepovers at your house or as the fifth wheel on a trip with your family.
6. You used your God-given voice and hit that high note in "Where No One Stands Alone" in the rec hall at Skyridge and the windows shook.
7. You were an example of a godly, humble man. A servant of the Almighty.
8. You baptized me into Christ as a young girl and taught me about Jesus during the most formidable years of my life.
I can hardly remember growing up in Carlsbad before you and your family came (probably because it wasn't all that long). Thank you for loving me like Jesus. Thank you for letting God use you to minister to children. It has impacted how I minister to children for certain.
Happy Birthday, Larry! I'd be honored to buy you a cheeseburger. :)
What an impact you have made on the MANY MANY lives of people that surround you. It's amazing to read the comments on here!
ReplyDeleteI remember my 9 years of camp at both SkyRidge and MountainView with such fond memories. You are such a Godly man and a great example for those around you. You have always inspired me with the love that you have for people, and the dedication you have to touching the lives of young people through camp. God has given you many talents and they are definitely being used to bring Him glory. Thank you for everything you do!
Happy Birthday, Larry!
Jessica Fleming Shopoff
Larry, I confess to having read the comments written ahead of me...I am glad I did but it left me feeling a bit sad. Sad only because I regret that you and I didn't have more time together growing up and later as well. I find it easy to believe that you have touched many in such a sweet and special way because you touched me too. However, I also find it easy to believe the parts about you being a "jokester" Do you remember once when I spent the weekend with you and Aunt Pearl and Uncle Odell...you had been out "running around" with your friends.....you came home to find me sound asleep on a cot in the den. You picked up the foot of the cot and dropped me, I think about ten feet!!!
ReplyDeleteI love you "cuz", and wish you many more years serving God, singing your heart out, and making the rest of us laugh.
God bless you (and Jeannette who has put up with your antics..lovingly..I am sure)
Love and hugs enclosed,
Your cousin,
Kathy Throneberry Hinson
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday. And well done for the wonderful years of service in ministry. Now that dates us. I remember back at LCC, chorus... who would ever think we would be in the same town and have girls growing up and being such special friends. Have a great day and may God continue to bless your life and use you in many ways.
Pam & Benny
Well, Larry Throneberry did an incredible thing for me as a young person wanting to obey the gospel while at Skyridge. My parents really wanted to be there, but were unable to, so he pulled out the video camera and videoed my baptism for my parents and now I can still look back and watch that moment of excitement in my life! He also later on in my "young" adult life gave me opportunity to be a camp counselor at Skyridge the last year that it was standing and then I had the awesome opportunity to be at Skyridge, "Weedridge", the year it burned. That was such a growing time in my life and Larry was such a rock for everyone at that time! Happy Birthday Larry and I think of you very often! THANK YOU!
Rebekah Simmons-Holley
ReplyDeleteI have many great memories of camp. Most all of them involve you. I have a passion for camp and for working with young people, but you are the reason I enjoy going back each year. I love your passion for kids, camp, laughter, singing and most of all your passion for Christ. My answer to "Who do you want to be when you grow up" is always "Larry Throneberry." You make being a man of God fun. The way it should be.
I can remember late nights at camp talking and laughing. My favorite memory is the first year at Alto. We were both tired, very tired. We had to go check out a skunk situation. We got back and you noticed your boots were on backwards. We laughed so hard we woke up Dick.
I also remember my first day on the job as activity director. I didn't wake up to ring the bell. You "paged" me on the Skyridge PA system - the speaker was right out side my cabin. You were dangerous around the PA mic. I miss that PA system.
Thanks for being a great example of what a Christian is to many kids and adults and activity directors. I truly value our friendship.
Happy Birthday!
Dear Larry,
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, I want to thank Melinda and Nathan for sending me an e-mail so that I could be a part of your Special Day!
As I have thought about what to write and thinking back on our 18 years together, my first thoughts were...
Larry/Skyridge - Larry/Singing - Larry/Laughter - Larry/the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
May God bless you and "your" Jeannette as you grow older together. I wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
With Fond Memories
and Love,
Jeannette Miles
Dear Larry, We prayed many times for God to provide the perfect, godly wife for our son, but God blessed us not only with a wonderful daughter-in-law in Melinda, but a whole wonderful family. We were so delighted when we learned what a great family Melinda has and have been so blessed to know you. As in the old movie, "It's a Wonderful Life" there is no doubt that you have touched countless people in ways you will never know and that is one of the joys of growing older is to know that you have used your life to bring joy and faith into so many others lives. Happy Birthday from Geoff's parents, Richard and Jan Dunn
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Larry!
ReplyDeleteYou've been such an encouragement to Robin and me. Knowing you and your wonderful family has been a blessing for which I'm eternally grateful. I reminisce fondly over the years we worked together at Sunset and even the years prior to those. You have a sense of humor second to none and never failed to help me look on the bright side during some of the rougher times in life. I never met a man who'd sacrifice his job so that someone else could take it, but you did that for me! Thankyou for being there for me through thick and thin. I still love to hear from you and I'm always uplifted when I visit with you. I can't express all that you mean to us and again I'm eternally grateful for the wonderful, godly, spiritual influence you've been to me and my family. You're truly a great older brother (emphasis on the OLDER!). Love ya and God bless, Gary and Robin Simpson
Happy Birthday! Happy Anniversary!and Thank You!
ReplyDeleteWe are so blessed to have you and your family at Sunset, at Skyridge and now at Mt.View. You have touched so many lives in so many ways, with your sense of humor, your beautiful voice, your kind ways, and your true example of being a godly man.
We love you Larry,
Deana Wells and family
Happy Birthday Larry!
ReplyDeleteWe won't mention your age, but Wow! 25 years of camp director too? The time sure does fly! We have been so blessed to have you as camp director all of those years. You have touched so many lives with your leadership. When we think of you, we think of camp, your beautiful voice, and your strong leadership and patience. We hope you have a wonderful birthday!
Love ya, Mike, Lorie & Andrew
Larry Throneberry means soooo much to the entire Craig family. HE has come to know and share in our lives. There are many memories. Mostly Skyridge--especially when someone unnamed tried to revive a hummingbird after it slammed in a window. Fun with Barbershop Quartet and definitely not least is sharing Christ and music together. Have a great birthday and thanks for being a part of our lives. Dick, ImaJo and family
ReplyDeleteI remember when Pine Springs had their fire and we had to turn back at Mayhill the Sunday I was bringing the bus up from Carlsbad. I remeber seeing the smoke all the way home in the rear view mirror. The next morning you called and said come on up. What a relief! Then Thursday night You and I and the boy counselors had to go up 'Potato Mtn.'to put out that little re-kindled fire. It took you and I about 45 minutes to get to the fire. The boys had it put out long before you and I got there. It a wonder we both didn't have a heart attack going up. Then when we came down it only took us about 5 minutes. We thought we were heroes until we got back to camp and the "forest ranger" was there. He was really a jerk. Oh well!!!!! Larry, you are the most spiritual man I know. It is a priviledge and honor to have served, traveled and been in your presence so many times through the years. Thank you my brother.
ReplyDeleteLT, What a great brother and friend you've been through the years! It's really hard to put into words what your friendship and your leadership has meant to me. Now being co-laborers at Sunset is a really special blessing! Happy Birthday Larry, I am honored to be your brother in Christ and a co-minister at Sunset.
ReplyDeleteBrian McG
ReplyDeleteHope your back pain lets you off the hook for the day! Happy birthday!
For the camp work...well, we raised 3 sons and I can tell you it is a tribute to your loving and gentle nature and your spiritual insight that you have celebrated these 25 years without killing one of those sweet little campers.
On the serious side, the gentleness that you displayed as you cared for your parents at Lakeview was truly an example for everyone.
The day that you called and asked me to help sing for Mal's funeral is one that I will always remember. I thought how hard that was going to be for me.........then I remembered how hard it was going to be for you! Somehow, it is hard for me to not think of you, Mal and Michael together...as a unit.
When you were picking wives, you got a real diamond. The two of you compliment each other so well.
We love you and wish you many more years in the Master's service.
Somehow, I think you can guess our names.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday!!! You are so awesome!!! You have truly touched my life in countless ways!! I have so many memories with you and the family. They are memories that warm my heart to this day!! You are so very special to me and I hope your Birthday is wonderful!!! We love you!!!
Brandon & Whitney (Mounce) Watson
Happy Birthday! Thank you, Larry for helping mold me into the person I am today. When we were neighbors, I could tell when you were going to lead singing at church because I could hear you warming up from across the street. The sound of your voice praising our savior still rings in my ears. The opportunities you gave me at Skyridge will never be forgotten. I spent lots and lots of time there, often every week each summer! You always made me feel like that was exactly where I needed to be. It truly was a place of spiritual explosion for me. That was where my foundation in Christ began. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteMay God continue to bless you as you continue to serve Him. Thank you for your committment to serving God first. - Regina
Dear Larry:
ReplyDeleteIt is an honor and privilege to work with you at the church office. You are a man of integrity...the elder I choose to go to with any concerns or problems. I know you will listen intently, compassionately and confidentially. I have many precious memories of Skyridge and many of them were made possible because of you and your hard work and dedication. I now work as camp secretary and I understand more fully your love and dedication to camp...now Mountain View Christian Camp! I am proud to call you "brother" and blessed to call you "friend"! Have a wonderful birthday...you deserve a special day of honor!
God bless,
ReplyDeleteIt's been fun working with you in the office. The camaraderie, the laughter, and the friendships are priceless, but most of all the music and hearing you sing. Singing with you has been very special throughout the years, and it's always great to see you there when we sing for various occasions. Happy Birthday and congratulations on your 35th Anniversary. I think a lot of us grew up together with our kids here at Sunset. Thanks for all you do Larry and for being such an inspiration to so many spiritually. May God bless you with many more years and good health!
Happy Birthday Larry!
ReplyDeleteYou have been a true inspiration and mentor in my life. I am certain that part of the reason my mom first moved us to Sunset all those years ago was because of you and your youth ministry. I can still vividly remember one of your Sunday morning Bible classes from when I was in Junior High! Ask me about it sometime.
From my time as a camper to counselor to activity director to teacher, you have been there every step of the way guiding and encouraging. Your love for singing and praising God has been a constant influence over the years... for me, hearing your voice in Song Drill is synonymous with Skyridge. Your sense of humor and fun is contagious! I consider it a great joy and honor to serve the church with you in Carlsbad. I can honestly say that my life has been blessed by you. You are a true model of Christ!
Our world would be a better place if it had more men like you, Larry!
Jeff Shelton
I am filled with thankfulness to have you as a Father-in-law. What an amazing example God has provided through you of what it is to continually walk in love, humility, servitude, and wisdom. You have provided so many life-changing memories for so many people, and have been such an encouragement to me. The fingerprints of God are all over your life, your home, and your ministry.
ReplyDelete"Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the saints." ~ Phm 7
ReplyDeleteWishing you a very happy birtday and congradulations on the many years of service in the ministry and as director of Mountain View. Much good has come outof Mountain View. I remember you always having a song on your lips whereever you were. Have a wonderful and blessed day.
In His Service, MaryAnn Cox
skrzypczak said...
Wishing you a very happy birthday and may the Lord richly bless you as you serve Him daily. The one thing I remember about you is you would sing anywhere you were. And you know what, it rubbed off on Cecil, cause I heard him singing now and then and that was refreshing. Have a wonderful and blessed day.
Hey Larry, Happy Birthday!
ReplyDeleteThere are too many memories to say much. But I still remember my first year up at camp, taking apart some lockers or something and ecco, there's Larry! Never knew how to take you back then, but you (and your family) were soon on the top of the A list! Very few people have touched so many lives (Jesus does come to mind though), and few have made me and so many others feeled needed. You gave me an ideal of ministry even when schools
like Sunset or LCU didn't really manage - something I never really eloquated until recently. Ministry has to be enjoyable (some'll say fun) and we have to laugh - cause sometimes that's all that'll keep us from crying.
Thanks for everything and hope you have a great day.
Mike Mahan
From Jimmy & Chris Neatherlin
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear Larry!!
Happy Birthday to you!!
and many more!!
Happy Birthday Larry!! We are so thankful for you! Your gentle Godly spirit, your witty sense of humor, always making us laugh!! Your wonderful strong singing voice! It is always a treat when you lead singing, you sing beautifully! We have great memories of Skyridge & MountainView and taking the campers up to camp all those weekends!! It is always good to spend time with you!! We have so many great memories and look forward to many more.
(from Chris) Remember when we were up at MountainView and went up the mountain to take the kids on a hike and one of the youth groups (from Big Spring) lost a wheel cover off their van, and I told you I was going to pray about it. We went down the mountain a few curves later...there it was!! When we picked it up it was broken, and you said, "did you pray that it would be in one piece??"!! LOL!!
(from Jimmy) Remember when you were up in the hospital and Michael (Joiner) and Gary (Simpson) came to visit you and they brought prayings hands, and a quart of oil! Then when they were leaving Michael wanted to know if he could have the oil back?? LOL!! That still makes me laugh thinking about it!
We love you Larry!! Happy Birthday!! (Hey, you're younger than JC!!)
In His love, Jimmy & Chris
First off-
Since I only lived in Carlsbad for a short time- almost all of my memories of you come from Skyridge. You were the camp director for every session that I was a camper for. I've missed your Surrey rides, your 'scar behind the ear' story, playing 'smack' and 'take a hike', and how your singing voice would echo through the meadow every friday night. What I wouldn't give to hear you yell, "We're gonna pray now!" one more time before we eat. Once my 'camper' days were over, you gave me the opportunity to return to camp as a counselor. It was an honor and a privilege to spend my summers with you and your family each year. Any one that knows me can testify that those were the five best summers of my life. I made friendships there that will last a lifetime..and beyond. I enjoyed our counselor meetings we had each morning where we would pray for strength both spiritually and physically because those 8-10 yr olds sure knew how to wear us out! While the campers would look up to us for support, it was a blessing to have you there for us when we needed some help too. You helped me when I needed help with homesick and ill and hyper and disruptive campers. =) You and Mike Tucker helped me pull through a bad case of food poisoning back in '95, supplying me with crackers and Sprite and giving me a couple of days of rest. I have so many great memories of camp that I could go on forever, but I'll save some for next year's b-day.
Thank you for being such a strong Christ-like example to me-Thank you for your mentorship and friendship over all these years, and thank you for letting me eat the left-over chicken strips out of the walk-in fridge late at night. I love you and you family so much. God bless you all and Take care,
Sean East
Happy Birthday Larry and Happy Double Anniversaries too! We thank God for you Larry and the cheerful, humble Lord's servant example that you are to all of us! We go waaaay back to your beginning ministry days with young kiddos. You and Jeanette did very well in the parenting department! Remember the early morning wake-up calls, or door bells, with J.C. having a box of donuts to share, if you'd provide the coffee. You both thought you got away from those mornings and then we moved to Carlsbad.... J.C. still wears what he calls his funeral jacket ~ do you want that back now? I remember your sharing my and Caleb's plight with the staff at Sunset and all your prayers that helped bring us through a most scary time and introduced us to the church at Sunset before we ever arrived. We loved Skyridge from the get go and that brings back memories of singing around the fire, work days, much laughter, counselor late-night roundups, raccoon raids, first aid on kids emergencies,dumpster and septic system stories, lots of fun work, spiritual guidance and your wonderful discussions and insights. I remember a day of grief sitting around your television at news (pictures)after the burning of Skyridge. We were all so low and yet you were encouraging, even when you needed to be encouraged. Thank you for including J.C. in the minister get-togethers when he was recovering from his heart ailments and always being there for us and our children. Thank you for always encouraging (and teasing) Hannah, Caleb and Danielle and giving them the opportunities of a lifetime. I always look forward to our theological discussions and your spiritual strength, wisdom and humor. Larry may God, The Father, bless you abundantly, heal your back and grant you many happy days on this earth! and Larry Boy still looks just like you to me... Love you,
ReplyDeleteBecky Cunningham
Well, Larry, I'm about a week late, but I just found out about this. I'd really be outtaline not to say something, even though there's nothing that hasn't already been said.
ReplyDeleteYou've been a friend to me and my family almost as long as you've been in Carlsbad. Only more recently have I realized just what a great man you are, having walked in your shadow for the past 4 months. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to take care of Sunset's camp and, even more, walking wih me every step through this adjustment. This past year has been a real challenge and I thank God for the close friend and encourager He gave me in you.
Love, "Your brother in Christ!"