Saturday, April 21, 2007

Happy Birthday, Geoff!!!

On May 2, 1974, Geoffrey Richard entered the world. :D Many thanks to Richard and Jan for producing such a wonderful human being! ;)


Happy Birthday, Love! :) I thank God every day for you. I wish I had the words to express what you mean to me. I love you just doesn't seem like enough.

Please help me wish him a Happy Birthday!


  1. Nothing Fancy
    by Dave Barnes

    "There's nothing fancy 'bout the way I love you,
    there's nothing you could not find in any other {woman}.
    There's nothing fancy 'bout the way I love you,
    but I love you as hard as I can.

    There's no good reason for the way you love me,
    but you're my walking dream come true.
    There's no good reason for the way you love me,
    But I thank God that you do.

    I don't know the perfect conversation,
    I don't know the way to turn a head,
    I don't know the perfect way to prove my love,
    But I know I'll love you 'til I'm dead.

    There's nothing fancy 'bout the way I love you,
    It's as simple as the stars in the sky, and the blue in the sea.
    There's nothing fancy bout the way I love you,
    But it sure is fancy how you love me."

    (Thanks to Charissa for telling me about this song!!) :)

  2. Happy Birthday Geoff. I am so thankful to have such a wonderful, God fearing man to lead our youth. You are doing a wonderful job. Your energy and love of the Lord is contagious. Thank you!

  3. Hey Geoff i know that we dont get to spend much time together hanging out anymore but the times that we do sare and the memories that i do hav of u aare all very good i just wanted to say thank u for all that u hav done for me not physically but meantally u hav shown me my God and shown me how to work through those hard times i just thank u very much for being such an impact on my life!!!

    lots of love


  4. Hi Geoff. I saw a very wonderful man on the Colorado trip. You are so good with the kids and always put God into the day. Thanks for all your work. Happy Birthday. Jane Barksdale

  5. Geoff,

    In the spirit of the movie, "It's A Wonderful Life" (one our favorite Christmas classics) the lives of many people would be adversely affected without your presence in this world. Will and Joe would not have had you as a youth minister. The good people of Ecuador would not have had you bless their lives. Jan and Richard would be childless. Melissa and I would not have you and Melinda as our friends. This list goes on...

    God has blessed many people in this world through you and your ministry. Because of the ways you have influenced the lives of our sons, it is not very pleasant to think of a life without you. However, because of you, our lives are better for it and you are an ingredient of the wonderful life that God has given us.

    We sincerely thank you for your love of God, his children, and our family.

    Happy Birthday - with all our love,
    Larry and Melssa

  6. Hey Geoff,
    To my fellow red head. 33 is a good number, Geoff, Jesus, and Larry Byrd. :) My funniest moment about Geoff takes me back to when he was just a pup in the Aim Program. He told me a story about himself that had happened over a weekend back in 1993. He went to speak to a youth group but didn't prepare until the last minute to speak. When I say last minute I literally mean the last minute!! He said that he had no idea what he was going to say until he actually started walking up front to speak. Some how he pulled it off and apparently he still does. My best wishes!!!

  7. Geoff -
    I want to wish you a very happy birthday! You are truly an inspiration for me. Your energy, your love for the kids, your love for God, your enthusiasm for spreading the kingdom, your friendship - all are traits that make you special.

    I hope you have a Wonderful Birthday and wish you many, many more to follow.

    In Him,

  8. Hola Jefe,
    Erase una vez a una princesa hermosa, su nombre no es Geoff. Porque Geoff no es una princesa, pero el es hermoso.....mas o menos!
    HAHA, good times, I still beat myself up that I recommended such a worthless movie! But it was still fun cuz you were there. Youve always been a joy in my life and a blessing to me from God. You do God's work everywhere you go and it is encouraging to know that there are people in the world that do grow tired and weary but never cease to trust in the Lord to have their strength renewed. You are a prime example of that and I thank you for being an anchor for so many people and staying steadfast. God Bless you on your birthday! Love you Jefe

  9. Geoff,
    You have been such an inspiration to all three of my kids. Becky raved about you long before I even met you and David and Mark are so blessed to have you as their youth minister and friend.
    I can't even begin to tell you what a blessing it is to work with such a Spiritual man. You keep me on my toes, put a big smile in my day and keep me focused and grounded in my faith. I am very proud to call you brother and friend.
    I hope you have the happiest of birthdays!
    Much love,

  10. Happy Birthday, Geoff! We hope you have a good one.

    Bill and Peggy
    Jennifer and Martin
    Leslie and Clay

  11. Happy B'day Geoff,
    What can I say? We've been through thick and thin together. As the scripture says, "there is a friend closer than a brother." That's you man! The friendship and brotherhood we share in Christ has blessed me immensley. May our amazing God shower His wonderful blessings on you! I should have let you win at disc golf on Monday...sorry! Rofl!

    Love in Christ,


  12. Geoff,
    Happy Birthday. I cannot articulate to you what you've meant to me. You continuously ignite a fire in people's heart that carries them from day to day. God blessed you with a gift of being able to teach His word. As I finish up my first year in college, I praise God everyday for giving me a strong background in Christ, and some of that credit belongs to you. As the youth minister for the majority of my life, you have been a shining example of what being a Christ follower is. Thanks for your dedication and service to the Lord, in doing so you have changed lives, including mine. Happy Birthday, may God bless you with many more.

  13. Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday Geoff! Although it was Melinda that stepped into my life, she then brought you into my life and the few times that we have been around each other have been wonderful. You are a terrific, kind man, and the love you and Melinda have for each other is a true testiment to Christ. Have a beautiful birthday. I hope we get to see one another again real soon! Melanie Campbell

  14. L Hef A,

    Happy Birthday! I hope these notes lift your spirit up that much higher. I've enjoyed the impact you have had on me and my family over the last 6 years and hope to enjoy many more moments in the years to follow. God has found favor with you in His eyes. Remember to keep the faith raw!

  15. Alright- here's the deal- You are just too cool. You were my youth minister, but you have always been my brother. I know that sometimes I embarrass you just becasue I stand next to you, me with my enormous muscles that can grind you down to talcom powder, and my knowledge beyond earthly compare- in front of your strangely spelled name, crazy hair, rhetoric that you're not cool enough to use- and countless other things that make me cooler than you.
    However- "For physical training is of some value, but godliness holds value for all things." Even though now I can see the top of your head, I've looked up to you my whole life, and still do. At the same time- you've taught and shown me the amazing things God has to offer and the importance of being His man in this world- and have shown me what, or rather WHO to aspire to. That is the best compliment I can give you. I love you and always will- I thank God for your life. There is no greater love than this, that he lay his life down for his friends. I would do that for you because I know you would do that for me. "Blood is thicker than water, but love is thicker than blood."
    I hope you're taking your steroids- you're going down this summer (disc golf and soccer)
    Happy really really really old birthday
    In HIM Always~

  16. Happy Birthday, Geoff!
    We've never met before, but I know I would like you if Melinda picked you to share her life with! :) She's a special friend, and I know you must be a wonderful person because she loves you so much. Anyway, have a wonderful birthday and we wish you many more!

  17. Geoff,

    I don't know if you remember when you asked me for permission to marry Melinda but I was so excited that I made you ask me twice. I thought I had heard the question correctly but wanted to make sure.

    I told you then and will remind you now. We started praying for Melinda to marry a Christian man even before she was born and continued to pray the same prayer until the day she married you. Since that time, we have been thanking God for the most wonderful son-in-law God could have provided. Thank you for loving and taking care of our little girl.

    We love you for who you are and whose you are.

    Happy Birthday,

  18. Geoff
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I am grateful to have you as a brother and fellow worker. I have always enjoyed the time we get to spend together. Your zeal for God, His word and His people have always encouraged me. I join so many folks in thanking God for you.

  19. Geoff Dunn, 33 years old and still a BIG KID!
    I am honored to know you and to have experienced your zeal for God's word. I told you some years ago that you were a hero to me and I still feel that way (but don't push it). I have learned a lot and shedded a lot because of the conversations and "mental sparing" that we've done and I am always grateful for that.

    The German poet Hebbel once said; “Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion.” My prayer for you is that you remain in your passion for God.

    One other thing......
    Are you ever going to beat me in Disc Golf again?

  20. First and foremost...HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAN!!! So I'm pretty sure you're the coolest guy I've ever met in my entire life. You've been there for me in my lowest of lows. I've never met somebody that is so passionate about God and life in general. You've taught me that life itself is a precious gift from God. You've held me up so many times when I've just felt like giving up. I remember the first time you walked into class to teach and I was in middle school. I thought to myself, "What's this guy so happy about?" Now I understand and it's affected me more than I can say. I've learned so much from you. I've learned that you need vision and you can find an example of the vision you need in a great movie: The Matrix. I've learned that life is as good as we make it. I've learned that BestBuy won't refund your money even if they've charged you twice if you bring anything shy of a platoon to customer service. I've learned that getting lost is truly a hobby and with the right person it can be loads of fun. I've learned that in Georgetown they have a neighborhood where literally every house looks identical. I've also learned in the past 5 minutes that I can write an extremely long comment about you. The funny thing is I've barely scrapped the surface. I'll spare you the rest tho. I hope you have a very awesome day on Wednesday man. God bless you in everything you do. Once again, Happy Birthday brosef.

    Oh and one more thing. I've never said this to you before but I wanna take the time to say it now. I love you brother. Take care and have fun will ya?

  21. Happy Birthday G-Off!
    You know, in life there are those types of people whose passion and enthusiasm are infectious. They are the kind of people who make you feel like you've become a better person just by being around them. They encourage. They inspire. They make your life better. I'm glad I can be one of those kinds of people for you. Just kidding. Seriously though, every one of those characteristics above clearly describes you. Geoff, you are an amazing man of God whom I deeply admire. I hope you have an unbelievable 34th year! Blessings on your head!
    Jeff Shelton

  22. Geoff, I have a really hard time believing it's been over a decade since AIM which is when I last saw you guys!

    My abiding memory of you and the image that always springs to mind is your smile and your infectious laugh. You made everyone around you feel happy and that's a pretty wonderful quality.

    I hope you have a brilliant birthday, it sounds like you will be surrounded by people who love you and that's the best birthday gift of all.

  23. Geoff,
    I never had the pleasure of meeting you , but I have known Melinda and her family for as long as I can remember. For a family to love you and respect you as much as they do, that speaks volumes and tells me that you are a blessing in their life as I am sure they are in your's. I hope you have a great birthday my brother. God Bless. Sean East

  24. Happy Birthday to you old man, I will never be as old as you
    Hope you have a great day

  25. Hey Geoff!

    It's been years since I was at MountainView with you as my teacher, and yet I will never forget the impact that you made on my life. Your enthusiasm and joy for God and His Word is incredible! I know that I am only one of the many who can say this about you. I hope you have an excellent birthday and that God continues to bless you in the coming years!

    In Christ,
    Jessica Fleming

  26. Happy Birthday Geoff!
    Even though I only had you for a youth minister for a couple years at the end of high school, I can't thank you enough for the impact you've had on my walk with God. Thank you for all the classes you've taught, the letters of recommendation you've written, the encouragement you've given, the prayers you've prayed, the wisdom you've shared, and the laughs and fun times you've been a part of. You have impacted my life more than you know and I will never forget the many things you've taught me. I have learned so much from you about the Bible (Which has helped me so much in my Bible classes here at ACU - except for that one prophecy from Isaiah...), God, and especially about making my faith my own. I hope and pray that God will bless you as you have blessed so many of us!


  27. Geoff,

    We are so grateful to have you and Melinda at Westside. You model for our youth what it is to be Christ-like in character by your example.

    Thank you for making discipiles of our youth, equipping them for a life of service to God. Each of them love you, and so do we!

    Happy Birthday,

  28. hey geoff
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! i hope you have a really good birthday. you mean so much to me and seem to know when i need uplifting.i have learned so much from you and look up to you so much.
    Happy Birthday!
    Ashley Clement

  29. Dear Geoff,

    (This is the first time I've ever "blogged!" We'll credit Melinda for forcing the issue.)


    - Thank you for your honesty.

    - Thank you for the time you spend in the Word.

    - Thank you for your willingness to discuss the undiscussable.

    - Thank you for trust offered and trust honored.

    - Thank you for challenges, both offered and received.

    May your life be filled with joy and peace... and with Christ!

  30. 33 years old... WOW ! ! ! That remind me of another man that age who people still talk about and seek. They seek him because of people like you, who tirelessly spread his word. Geoff, I see Christ in you... through your work, in your attitude, by your life. I hope you have a GREAT Birthday, and I wish you Many, Many More! John Smelser

  31. Geoff--
    Thanks for being a really good youth minister and the best brother in Christ. And, thanks for inspiring me to follow God the way you do. Happy birthday!-Sloan

  32. Geoff,

    I know that in the last few years our lives have taken different roads, but you have played a big part in my life. I will never forget some the deep spiritual discussions we've had and the times we went door knocking through our neighborhoods together for no reason other than to do it. You have a tremendous heart and it's great to see all the lives you've affected. Stay strong in the Word and have a happy birthday. God bless!

    Cary Jones

  33. Hey Geoff! I am glad I have the chance to know you. If it weren't for my sister I wouldn't have a wonderful brother-in-law like you in my life. I admire how much you love the Lord and show it to everyone you come in contact with. I also enjoy hearing you when you speak because you know how to deliver the Word in a way that anyone can understand. I hope you have many wonderful years ahead of you. Happy Birthday brother.

    Nathan Throneberry

  34. Geoff,

    When Pharoah asked Jacob his age, this is what he said, "the years of my pilgrimage are a hundred and thirty." I commend you to God and all your friends as one who has lived his redeemed life as a pilgrim, always looking upward to a more lasting home. One day, you will enter that city whose maker is God.

    Happy Birthday, my friend.

    I still think of the times spent in prayer with great fondness - moments in between classes at Sunset, prayer times at the cemetry, other times spent with those Aimers. Those who great times.

    Ek's lief vir jou, my broer.

    Sean Katinga

  35. Thirty-three, Geoff, that's a significant age. I've tried thinking of something witty or funny or exceptionally wise but I've drawn a blank. No surprise there! In any case, it's good of God to have people like you around as an agent of change for Christ in the world.
    God bless.
    jim mcguiggan
    Oh, okay, I've just thought of something. Bruce Dern, in a very old movie, at significant moments would say: Make a wish!
    So sometime today: make a wish

  36. Geoff, When I think of my son, I am reminded of times we've shared -- the mountains, the trails, the streams we've crossed together -- lots of streams. I think of the camping, skiing, fishing, disc golf, and how we have grown in faith as we worship together the God that created all of it and you. Through your high school years when you covered all the walls of your room with verses from the Word of God, you blessed our home and strengthened our faith. I am proud that you are such a blessing to so many others and so much fun to be with at the same time. Happy birthday! When I think of my son I think of Psalm 1:3 "And he will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does he prospers." Love ya, Dad

  37. Dear Geoff,

    Happy Birthday to a wonderful son! I remember when you were only five you climbed in my lap and wanted to read the Bible with me. You read the entire 12th chapter of Revelation aloud with very little help. I had never tried to teach you to read! Then also when you were perhaps in first grade you wrote this poem:

    What do you see in this little face
    Maybe it's the Lord
    Maybe it's the grace
    What do you see in this little face
    Maybe it's the Lord
    Maybe it's a face

    You are an answer to prayer and a gift from God and I was always amazed at you. I have been so blessed to have you as my son.

    Youth is fleeting. Enjoy it and have a happy birthday.

    With so much love, Mom

  38. Hello Geoff! !Feliz cumpleanos! Todos los treinteytres anos! We are so blessed to have you in our family; we love the way you love the Lord and our daughter. I still remember so vividly the day I first saw you at Pioneer Park the first Sunday night of AIM. Rex had asked the AIMERS to mix in with the congregation and you came and sat between Melinda and me; is that not foreshadowing or what? ( as an English teacher, I had to get that in :)) Enjoy your birthday, Geoff. Love, Jeannette

  39. Yo it's your birthday! Hope it is a great one! Leaving this comment for you because you have a wonderful wife in Melinda who loves you very much!

  40. Geoff-

    Happy Birthday-

    I am a shoutlife friend of Melinda's and wanted to send you some extra prayers for your special day and to let you know that as a sister in Christ you and Melinda are a part of my forever family- the family of God- from what I read here you must be very special- I know Melinda is!!

    Have a wonderful day!!!

  41. Happy Birthday Geoff! :o)

    We don't know each other but your lovely wife and I have become good friends through Shoutlife. She's been telling me about how you two met and fell in love. It's quite the story! Ha ha! I am so glad you finally came to your senses! ;o)
    You have a sweet, and beautiful wife who loves you like crazy.

    It is obvious from reading the comments above that you are appreciated, and your life has had an influence on the lives of many others. I pray that God will continue to use you as you serve Him the rest of your days.

    Have a WONDERFUL birthday Geoff!

  42. Happy Birthday Geoff!
    Hope you have a great one :)
    From: James@Shoutlife

  43. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU...HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR GEOFF! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! I am one of Melinda's friends from Shoutlife and I stopped in to say.."Happy Birthday!" I hope that you have a great one! Your wife is a wonderful and precious friend to me! So I pray that you both will have a blessed and wonderful day on your special day! Take care and God bless you both!!


  44. When Jesus was 33 years old - He had "finished" His work ... but you are just beginning what (we all pray) may it be a "long and useful" life - finishing the work that He has assigned to you. May God bless you and yours.

  45. Happy birthday, Geoff! Your wife totally rocks =) Hope you have a blessed bday!!

  46. Hey Geoff! A little birdy told me you are having a birthday so I wanted to drop by and spread a little joy! :) I'd sing for you but you will have to trust would not be a pretty thing! LOL! Melinda can attest to that! Now I just want to tell you that I adore and respect your wife and the amazing person she is...and knowing HER, I know without a doubt how amazing you are as well! I wish you all the happiness and blessings you desire, not just for your birthday, but for your continued life and ministry. Love and peace~ Kerry Z

  47. Hey Geoff just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday!! You are a big inspiration in my life and I want to thank you for that!
    hope you have a great day!

    Alyssa Barry

  48. Jefe!!!!
    I remember before you and Melinda got married you were over at our apartment as was your custom at that time. You were commenting on how you felt that Shania Twain's "Any Man of Mine" song was rather high expectation to have of a man and it seemed unbalanced to you. Then Melinda burned your grilled cheese sandwich and you immediately said, "It's OK! I like it like that!" . . . echoing the line in the Shania song "And when I cook him dinner & I burn it black, he better say 'Mmmmm! I like it like that!'" :)

    I hope that you have an amazing birthday, Geoff. You are a tremendous blessing and I'm thankful to call you friend and that my oldest friend has someone so committed to his Lord. Much love to you!!!

  49. Hi Geoffrey Richard Dunn!... What's up Geoffrey Richard Dunn?... That's good Geoffrey Richard Dunn! You have a long name but that's what makes you unique in your own Geoffrey Richard Dunn sort of way. Well... I basically typed all this to tell you HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! And I hope I made you smile on this special day... Geoffrey Richard Dunn! *HAPPY BIRTHDAY* O~~~

  50. Happiest Birthday, Geoff! Wishing you only the best! You are an inspiration to our family and we love you a lot!
    Tish, Jim, Annie and Billy

  51. GEOFF!
    Happy Birthday! I'm so glad that you were my youth minister for my last couple of years in high school! You encouraged me to aspire to be greater spiritually and I am a better Christian because of it. Thanks so much for all you've done.
    P.S. Sometimes distastrous things happen, and I know that inevitably you'll think immediately that I did it and most likely blame it on me. So telling you in advance, I had nothing to do with it...:P Happy Birthday!!

  52. Geoff,

    Thanks for being YOU! If we were to type a story about you we may "clog" up the blog :0) So, to make a long story short - Happy Birthday! All we can say is the part you played during the outdoor Leander VBS a couple of years ago was very fitting. You know how we feel about you already - we love you Geoff! Take Care and God Bless...

  53. I hope you have a blessed and happy birthday. I'm so glad that God allowed our paths to cross. You mean so much to me and my family. Thank you for what you've done for me and my family. Happy Birthday, Jeff Martin

  54. Jeff,
    You have no idea the effect that your passion has on so many people. You are truly a model of Jesus that many strive to follow.
    I wish you a wonderful birthday and many more to come. Have a terrific day and I hope you enjoy yourself!
    Melinda Martin

  55. Geoff,
    Sorry I misspelled your name!
    Since I'm married to Jeff and my name is the same as your wife's, I expected your name to be spelled like Jeff's, but I knew it was not I just forgot.

  56. Mr. Geoff - you youngin'. Happy, Happy Birthday. (Is that why we are going to Wendy's??) I do hope you have a great, no, a blessed day tomorrow!! It has been a true blessing to get to know you (and Melinda) and to work with you in the Youth program and I look forward to celebrating many more birthdays with you! May you truly be blessed tomorrow with joy and peace and a greater sense of God's love in your heart. And have lots of fun!!!

    Grace & peace,
    Fred, Sondra & the Zach.

  57. Geoff,

    Wow! 33! When did that happen?! Gone are the days when you used to mercifully offer this pathetic freshman a ride home from good ol' Westwood High in the smokin' hot "Tweety Bird"! I regret that time and distance have left me with only "old" memories, but they are wonderful ones, nonetheless. The Top-Gun-quality renditions of "You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'" were, I'm sure, legendary among Leander Dairy Queen waitresses and I still don't see President George Bush Sr. without seeing a fleeting image of you and stifling a giggle, because, you know... "wouldn't be prudent." By far the best memories, though, are the countless times you offered me a friendly ear and Godly counsel. Geoff, you bless people by your presence, whether you have the kind of profound long-term impact on a teenager, or you just stopped in a gas station for some gum and said something happy and kind to a person who has had a long day behind the counter. You're that guy - and the world's a better place because you're in it!
    Happy Birthday!

    Many, many blessings,
    Chandra (Morrow) Perkins

  58. Well Geoff, enjoy your day. Melinda made a good choice when she chose you. The most important thing I know about you is your love for God and His word. I always enjoy being able to be around you. I grow so weary sometimes of people talking about everything except God. That seems to be your focus and I am thankful.
    May he bless you and Melinda as you serve Him. I only have only request for both of you. Think about giving my brother a grandchild so he can quit talking about his granddog.
    Keep looking upward

    Hope you have a great day! I hear you're coming back to Mountain View this summer, we are very thankful for that. We enjoyed you guys so much at Family Camp. You've probably already been told this but you can come back any time!! :-)
    We love you both,
    Deana Wells and family (Carlsbad)
    Melinda did good when she found you!!

  60. Geoff- not Jeff or Jeffrey, but Geoff! Unique, different, special all of the above.
    Geoff you are an excellent mentor, wonderful Youth Director and friend.
    You exude Christ and have a great compassion for others.
    We love and adore you as you are a committed and giving soul.
    And wise- Look you married Melinda!
    May God , bless the day that you were born. Have a fantastic,
    wonderful, joyous Birthday.
    Love the Budd's

  61. Happy Birthday, Geoff
    You are a great guy. Hope you enjoy your birthday. May God Bless You.

    Love ya, Pat Fuller

  62. Geoff,
    Happy Birthday! I praise God daily for sending you to Westside. He answered my prayers for the right leader to teach, encourage, and lead my most precious children. You have made such an impact on them.
    Thank you,

  63. You're really awesome Geoff! You're the kind of person that is impossible not to get excited around. Thanks for the great times you've given us, but more importantly, thanks for being real and bringing us closer to God. Happy Birthday!

  64. Geoff,

    Happy 33rd birthday! You are the most awsome youth minister there is! Hope you have an awsome birthday.

    Sheldon Berry

  65. Today's the day ... happy birthday my friend. God's blessings on your life as you continue to commit yourself to his grace.


    Sean Katinga

  66. Sorry this is late, but I know you know about being late... You are one-of-a-kind, thank God for that and thank you for all that you do. I especially want to thank you for your patience and persistence regarding Brendan. We can't tell you how much your envolvement with him means to us. Also, in my official capacity as a bingo buster, tell your leadership there that I might be able to get the church a bingo license at a discount but there may be and additional fine for playing without a license in the past. :)
    Anyway, hope you had a special birthday. How does it feel to be a third of a century old? Scary huh!
    In Christian Love, Bruce and Gillie


    It's difficult to find the words to adequately express how thankful I am for each of you and how encouraging your posts are to me.

    What a powerful gift!

    God has blessed me with the best of friends, and an amazing wife.

    Thank you all for the influence you have had on me!

    How can I thank God enough for you?
    You bring so much light into this world and into my life! You are such a model of His compassion, purity, wisdom, and beauty.

  68. Ok so Geoff.. Im just a tid bit late on leaving you a blob before your birthday.. BUT, if there is an off chance that you might just check this at some time I just want to tell you a few things.. OK, well I see Christ in you always, you really are a blessing from God and im very happy that you have entered my life. NO joke you are an amazing person and I truly love you for always being there for me. Through all the rough times and not so rough times that I ave experienced you have always been there to talk no matter how tierd you where, or just ready to go home to spend time with your wife.

    And to Melinda,
    I know this page is for Geoff or what not but you truly have blessed my life in so many ways. By being around your kind hearted, loving spirit it has made me want to try to be like you. When I am around you I know that Christ is in you as well.

    To both Geoff and Melinda, I sincerely love you, and wish nothing but the best for your family.
    Rachel Smelser

  69. Geoff,
    Where to begin...
    You are an amazing person, and a man of Christ. Everytime I think about you, I think of all the ways you've helped me in my life. To me, you're more than a youth minister. You're my friend. And I thank God for that!
    Many times I have found myself hoping to have a faith like your's one day. You truly are an inspiration! There's not a time that I can think of where you haven't spoken of Christ and showed Him in your actions.
    I'm so glad that God has given me the opportunity to know you and to have a relationship with you! It's an amazing blessing!
    I hope you had a great birthday, and that God continues to grow you in every way possible!

    I love you!

    Because of Him,

  70. Hey
    I know this is kinda late but I wanted to let you know that this year has been one of the best. I could not have made it through with out you. I will miss you. I don't really know what to say other than Happy Birthday, you may be another year older but you are still one of us. I hope and pray for the best for you and Melinda.
    In HIM,

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