Wednesday, October 22, 2008


It's been almost a year since I updated this! Where does the time go?! I will have to blog and post some pictures from some fun trips I've taken this year! :D Stay tuned! ;)

Thursday, November 1, 2007

All About Larry - Happy Birthday Dad! (November 6)

Not what you might expect for the year before a milestone birthday, but I like surprising people with the unexpected. :)

*59 years of life
*35 years of ministry including 25 years of camp directing
*1 amazing wife
*2 amazing kids ;)
*many lives influenced by yours

Just a few of my childhood memories:
*When I would show you something in a catalog that I wanted for Christmas - you'd tear out the page and hand it to me.
*You always threatened to slap a knot on my head (...but you never did, of course. ha ha!)
*Always singing - walking around a store, waiting in line at Furr's, walking the streets of London...
*You dressing up as Santa, not only for me and Nathan, but for school kids as well. Remember those neighborhood boys who broke out the window of your truck? You recognized one of them at their school when he came to tell Santa what he wanted for Christmas. You asked him if he had been a good boy and he said yes. You then asked him if he had broken out anyone's truck window and I'm sure that kid still believes in Santa Claus.
*Squirting the neighbor's dog with the water hose over the fence when he would bark at you.
*One time when I rattled off the names of the members of New Kids on the Block (yes, a loooooong time ago!), you asked me if I could name the twelve apostles.
*Anything and everything Skyridge
*You being the best dad anyone could hope to have.

A song for you:
Always Be Your Baby by Natalie Grant
You were my first love
Always there for me
You taught me how me to walk and how to dream
God gave me your eyes
But it was you who showed me how to see
Now I can stand on my own
But I know you'll never let go

I'll always be your baby
No matter how the years fly by
The way you loved me
Made me who I am in this world
I'm a woman now
Not a little girl
Wherever this life takes me
I'll always be your baby

You are my hero
And that will never change
You still can dry my tears with just your smile
The one I've leaned on
From my first steps
To walking down the aisle
Now there's another man in my life
But I know by the look in your eyes

Your faith, your love and all that you believe
Have come to be the strongest part of me

And I will always be your baby
No matter how the years fly by
The way you loved me
Made me who I am in this world
I'm a woman now
Not a little girl
Wherever this life takes me
I'll always be your baby

Thanks for being you, and for always striving to be like Jesus. You've touched many lives and will continue to do so. We love you!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

More Scotland Pictures...

I have a couple hundred photos from our trip up at if anyone wants to see them! :)
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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Scotland Collage

Here is a sampler of what we saw on our trip. These are all in Scotland, but I have some great ones from Ireland as well. I'll have some more up soon. :)
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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Happy Birthday, Geoff!!!

On May 2, 1974, Geoffrey Richard entered the world. :D Many thanks to Richard and Jan for producing such a wonderful human being! ;)


Happy Birthday, Love! :) I thank God every day for you. I wish I had the words to express what you mean to me. I love you just doesn't seem like enough.

Please help me wish him a Happy Birthday!